What is it about men and their height? I am yet to meet a man who doesn't add at least 2 inches to their height. I think its the same as a woman reducing her weight but the height is a bit obvious, isn't it?
I have been browsing several online dating sites and lo, I tell you, it seems the world is full of short men. At 5'10, all I am asking for it to find a man I can look up to - not down at- and this is proving an impossible feat. Actually, I have two main requirements - one, that he'd be at least 5'11 (then I'll wear flats when we're together) and he should be educated (so we can discuss the themes, models and matrixes of superficial concepts) To get someone at the right age with these two attributes is like looking for icicles in the desert. Its either one of them on a man old enough to be my father or young enough to be my child's brother!
Don't even get me started on the education bit. I joined this website that had photos of really hot looking men. Looking at their profiles, I saw that quite a large number of them had minimum Bachelor degree. Some had Masters and a few with Phd. I thought, there might be hope here for me. So I started enjoying all the site had to offer - sending interests back and forth.
That is until I started communicating - by email - with these so called graduates that could not string a correct sentence in English without errors. At first I'd think it was typo. I have this habit of looking at the keyboard when I notice a spelling mistake, just to see if the writer accidentally pressed the wrong key beside the one they meant to press. For example, clicking 'storu' instead of 'story'. U is beside Y so they could have slipped fingers. But if they types 'storie' then I know its intentional.
Okay, I admit, I have a bit of a problem there but I CAN'T stand bad grammar when its written. It gives me migraine. Its bad enough speaking it but at least you can pretend not to notice but if its written down, its proof that won't go away. In the same way, I don't like people writing in short hand or slang. If I don't know you or 'meeting' you for the first time, at least give me the curtesy of completing your sentences. Gosh, you should see some of the emails I have been getting. Example, 'I thnk your gr8 lukin'. Those mails go to instant deletion. There was this guy that kept on sending me messages in very bad broken English and I felt tempted to ask him where he got his 'Masters' degree. Why do people have to lie about such things thiking they won't be found out later?
Which brings me to the issue of the different shades of truth on online dating sites. I found this interesting looking guy with a solid profile. He was 6'2, (happy days) looked really fit, never married, no children, full time employment and had a BA. The fact that he didn't write any profile in his own word did not put me off so when he asked to contact me, I willing obliged. We chatted for a while and the conversation flowed nicely. He asked me some questions about me that I had answered on my profile - like had I ever been married or did I have a child, to which I referred him to my profile. It was either that he had contacted so many people he didn't know which was which or he didn't read the profile - just clicked on a pretty face. Something didn't feel right. So I asked if he had children and he said yes - 2 grown up children. OK... 'Ever been married?' Yes, he was married. He said he got divorced 5 years ago and he is just ready to do it all again. At that point, I lost all interest because he lied about everything. He confessed, jokingly that the only real thing about his profile was his name! He was very dismissive about what he'd done and I told him it was false advertisement. I wouldn't have been interested if I'd known these and the fact that he lied, there was no way I could trust him. So, it was bye-d-byes for us.
Back to the drawing board.
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